<p>After the end of WWII Japan have dramatically changed their military doctrine. Politics based on militarism and nationalism have brought the country almost to utter ruin and losing to the U.S.A. was a shock to society. As such their values were severly reorganized and this culminated after a few years in signing a pacifist constitution. Mainly military was subjected to this change as the large Imperial Japanese Army shrunk to a very modest SElf Defence forces. Japan was able to function within this principles for many years, but now with an increasing threat from North Korea and China as well as the overall world's affairs made Japanese government increase the budged of JGSDF as well as start its modernization program.</p>
<p>"War Games"<br />JGSDF Type 10 - <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-32588-148-JGSDF-Type-10-Tank/35504">Tamiya 32588</a></p>
<p>Most recent Japanese main battle tank is the subject of this article - Type 10. Produced since 2010 it gradually replaces older AFVs. Its main armament is a smoothbore 120mm gun. Eye catching is its modern design - strongly inspired by the American Abrams MBT and German Leopard. And when Tamiya released this little gem in 1/48 scale I just had to have it! <br /> Surfing through the vast spaces of the Internet looking for inspiration I stumbled upon a photos of this tank during some training excercise. Very often AFVs taking parts in such "war games" have different and interesting markings. I liked the idea of equipping the tank with flags and coloured panels depicting different sides of such "conflict". So it looks like I have a plan!</p>
<p>It's a Tamiya kit so what can I say: maximum effect with minimum effort put into building a kit is a norm in their releases. I didn't use a single piece of putty while building it and that should be enough for a review and recommendation :)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>1. Type 10 features a very prominent basket at the turret's rear, so it would be a shame to leave it empty. I used <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/MILLIPUT-Standard-YellowGrey-113g/13864">Miliput epoxy putty</a> to sculp some packs, bags and tarps and used jerry cans and backpacks from <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-32510-148-Jerry-Can-Set/4825">„Jerry can set”</a> also from Tamiya. From a thin <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/searchquery/hips/1/phot/5?url=hips">styrene</a> I made some ID panels. All handles were replaced with ones made ouf of a thin copper wire.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-1.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.1" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>2. I primed the tank using a<a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/VALLEJO-73602-Surface-Primer-Black/10706">black Vallejo primer</a> and then I sprayed the first colour – <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-XF-73-Acrylic-paint-Dark-Green-JGSDF-10-ml/5795">green</a>, that were modulated using some white.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-3.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.2" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>3. Next step in recreating Japanese camo was masking off appropriate surfaces using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/searchquery/camouflage+putty/1/phot/5?url=camouflage,putty">elastic camouflage putty</a>. I could proceed with the painting almost instantly after masking.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-5.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.3" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>4. <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-XF-72-Acrylic-paint-Brown-JGSDF-10-ml/5794">Brown color</a> was this time lightened using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-XF-60-Acrylic-paint-Dark-Yellow-10-ml/5782">dark yellow</a>. After finishing spraying the paint the putty was efforlessly removed from the kit.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-6.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.4" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>5. It was time to colour all of the details. I used various <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/c/Model-Color-Vallejo-paints/117">Vallejo paints for this task</a>.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-7.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.5" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>6. Once the paint was fully dried I covered the tank with<a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/TAMIYA-X-22-Acrylic-paint-Clear-10-ml/5733"> a gloss varnish</a>. It's one of the most important stages of the build because it woll protect the paintjob at the same time giving us a good surface for applying decals. In this case there were not a lot of decals - just some vehicle markings and coloured plates used during the excercise.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-8.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.6" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>7. Weathering was started by making typical <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/AK-INTERACTIVE-045-Dark-Wash-For-Green-Vehicles/7791">dark brown</a> pin wash. I wiped the excess using a brush moistened in <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/searchquery/odorless+thinner/1/phot/5?url=odorless,thinner">turpentine</a>. I tried to remove it in downward motionm to simultaineously create some streaks.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-9.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.7" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>8. Paint fading was acheived by utilizing a dotting technique - I placed small dots of various oil paints on the model and blended them together using paintbrush moistened in thinner.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-10.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.8" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>9. I placed some shadows using highly thinned <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/AK-INTERACTIVE-083-Track-Wash/8462">Track Wash</a> from AK Interactive.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-11.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.9" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>10. I did some shading on the stowage in the turret's bin using acrylics.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-13.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.10" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>11. Headlights, periscopes, sights etc. were painted using Tamiya Clear acrylics. I painted them on a silver background to acheive a nice, contrast look.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-14.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.11" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>12. Now it's time for some <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/searchquery/pigment/1/phot/5?url=pigment">dry pigments</a>. Small amounts of different colours were applied using a fine brush onto the model and then fixed using White Spirit.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-19.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.12" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>13. Oily stains around the turret's ring and in some spots were imitated using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/AMMO-MIG-1408-Fresh-Engine-Oil/18921">Fresh Engine Oil</a> and <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/ABTEILUNG-502-ABT060-Light-Rust-20-ml/37861">rusty paint</a> from 502 Abteilung.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-21.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.13" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>14. Mud was done in several layers. Firstly - I used lighter colour like <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/ABTEILUNG-502-ABT125-Light-Mud-20-ml/37871">Light Mud</a> mixed with odourless thinner and some plaster to add volume. This mixture were applied on the model kit by stroking the loaded brush against the toothpick. After the light mud was dry I repeated this operation, but this time using dark brown colour which were imitating fresh mud.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-22.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.14" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>15. Thanks to the very comfortable design of the kit I was able to paint running gear separately from the tank. Tracks were painted using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/c/Ammo-of-Mig-paints/1259">Ammo acrylics</a> and then washed with AK Interactive products.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-15.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.15" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>16. Further weathering steps were made using the same set of pigments, that I used on the upper parts of the tank.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-18.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.16" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>17. Dirt streaks on the aprons and vertical surfaces were done using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/HUMBROL-168-Enamel-paint-semi-matt-Hemp-Satin-14-ml/17968">Humbrol 168</a> enamel. Again - the excess was removed using a fine brush.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-23.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.17" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>18. Using <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/AMMO-MIG-2015-Wet-Effects/18932">Wet Effects</a> liquid I marked some moisture that might be left on the nooks and crannies - as on the real machine.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-24.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.18" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>19. .50 cal MG on he turret received a replacement brass barrel and some ammo made from copper wire cut to size. Figure received an intecom microfone made from thin wire.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-20.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.19" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>20. It was time to put everything together. I also added some antennas made from thin wire. </p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-25.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.20" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>21. Works on the model kit were competed, so it was time to made a small base. Training grounds fragment, that holds the Type 10 is made from, concrete ramp was cut from cork that was later covered with acrylic putty. The groundwork was made from the tile glue that I sprinkled with sand and small rocks. Everything was sealed and uinified with a primer.</p>
<p><img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-2.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.21" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>22. Base prepared in this way was painted using Vallejo acrylics (the ramp) and Tamiya acrylics (earth).</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-4.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.22" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>23. Next step was to create some foliage. I planted some <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/p/noch">Noch</a> static grass in tufts and clumps using <a href="https://exito.sklep.pl/pl/searchquery/klej+red/1/default/5/f_producer_173/1">PVA glue</a>.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-12.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.23" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>24. I sprinkled some natural material afterwards e.g. dried leaves, some soil from my garden, small twigs etc. All was secured using thinned down PVA glue.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-16.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.24" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>25. After the glue dried base was generously sprinkled with pigments that were secured into plase by soaking them with <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/searchquery/white+spirit/1/phot/5?url=white,spirit">White Spirit</a>. Ground prepared in such way would be perfect for further applying oil paints. As they will get through the pigments and mix with it very natural and random colour effects would be created.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-17.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.25" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>26. Highly thinned down <a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/c/Abteilung-502-paints/2041">oil paints</a> were applied to the base using wet on wet technique to let them freely blend together.</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-26.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.26" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>27. Final step was to cover the track trails with a gloss acrylic varnish. In my opinion it's the best way to imitate wet and moistened surfaces. All that was left was to attach the tank to the base and...</p>
<p> <img src="/userdata/public/assets/images/blog/artykuly/w-type10/poradnik-modelarski-type10-27.jpg" alt="model guide how to build type 10 mbd pic.27" width="1000" height="750" /></p>
<p>...the effects of my work can be<a href="https://exito.site/en_GB/blog/2022/07/Type-10-MBT-by-Witold-Socha-finished-model-gallery/1391">seen in the gallery!</a></p>
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